Inclusive Education


“Respect for difference, collaboration, valuing families and community, and viewing all children as active and valued participants who have the right to be heard and provided with equitable access to education, are all factors that have been identified by Australian educators as essential to inclusive and quality education for all children”.
Inclusive education at St Pius X involves supporting each child in belonging, participating, and accessing ongoing opportunities, being recognised and valued for the contribution that he or she makes, and flourishing. 

At St Pius X, diversity is valued, and high expectations are held for all children.  We strive to put these inclusive values into practical, everyday processes.

Mrs Kate Kenndey  is our Acting Support Teacher – Inclusive Education.  Her diverse role integrates collaboration, management and consultation with a variety of stakeholders in a team approach.  This team includes our School Officers, as well as Visiting Consultants from BCE and other Allied Health Professionals.

The Support Teacher: IE also supports the school community by;
  • Diagnostic assessment to inform planning for student progress
  • Coaching teachers in innovative design and delivery for students with  diverse learning needs
  • Managing curriculum adjustments for diverse learners
  • Teaching students in 1-1 or small group arrangements to meet educational needs
  • Meeting with parents to discuss concerns and formulate pathways for student progress
The Support Teacher: IE is an important participant at weekly Student Support Team meetings.  Mrs Alsion Earle (Guidance Counsellor) and Mr Brendan Gerrard ( Acting Principal) complete our school based team.
1.       Cologon, K.  Inclusion in Education:  towards equality for students with disability.  Issues Paper, Children and Families Research Centre, Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, p 20