Student wellbeing

​​Being a Catholic Primary School, student wellbeing is at the heart of our vision and mission.  We prioritise the explicit and implicit teaching of Respect for ourselves, others, the environment and learning.

Following the Australian National Curriculum, we explicitly teach the Social and Personal General Capability.  This includes helping our students to learn understanding and skills in:

  • Self Awareness
  • Self Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Social Management

Teachers work regularly with their class in a process called Circle Time.  Circle Time is a safe and supportive place for students to explore their feelings and actions, and those of their peers to fully understand and manage themselves in a respectful way.

Guidance Counsellor

Our Guidance Counsellor, Ms Alison Earle, works with us on a Tuesday and Wednesday.  The purpose of her role is to add value to whole of school practices in wellbeing as well as providing specialist advice and counselling support.   Her work ranges from in class support, to individual counselling support.  Referrals to the Guidance Counsellor are generally made through the classroom teacher, however at times, parents seek advice about personal matters relating to their child and can make a referral through the school office.