SPX Our Faith & Community

​​​​​​​Our Faith 
Influenced by the charism of the Sisters of St Joseph, our school's motto "Christ in All" is lived out each day through positive relationships, a strong response to need and injustice and a grateful heart that honours the dignity and uniqueness of each person in our community. We aim to create a community of faith where relationships between students, staff and parents are enlightened by the gospel values of justice and compassion. Through prayer and reflection and interpreting the mission of Jesus in our time, we invite all to participate in opportunities for prayer and worship, service of others and to live our Christianity in our relationships with each other. We interpret life in the light of faith. 


Our Caring Community
One of our greatest strengths is the close, warm and inclusive community of parents, students and staff who care for each other and work together to support the school. There are plenty of ways in which you can get involved and get to know our friendly, supportive parents: Welcome Back BBQ, ​Mothers Day morning tea, Under 8 day, Class Excursions, Jesus Day, Colour Funrun,  Library,  Grandparents' Day, Fathers Day Breakfast,  volunteering on the P & F , volunteer reading in the early years classes, helping with the school fete, or with fundraising events.  

©BCE, St Pius X, PSL, 2023